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PFDC - Malavan & Paas share the best behaved teams in IPL with the lowest negative points.

The worst is SS rasht, but surprisingly Esteghlal a candidate for the Championship does not seem to have a good disciplinary record!!!

The table shows the amount of yellow & red cards by players in the IPL till week 24. Ali Chini of SS Rasht has an unenviable record followed by the famous Mohamad Navazi.

Below you can find this table:

Not a big surprise to see that Perspolis is the top supported team in the Iran Pro league, followed very closely by Esteghlal.

Not surprising either that the rest are so far behind !!. regretably however, Tractorsazi , the third most popular team in the league will not be playing in IPL next sdeason.

The other relegated team, SS rasht is in a repectable 6th position.

This is the attendance record for IPL up to week 24:

