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PLDC - The semi final match of the 14th Asian games between Iran and South Korea is due to take place today, 10/10/2002, in Busan. The predictions of the event all point to a tough game and a 50 percent chance of success for each team.

Iran is the defending champions of the previous year and Korea would really like to become the winners in this leg as hosts of the games. Up until yesterday all the Korean media and press spoke about how tough the 
match would be. The Koreans have still not forgotten their 6-2 defeat by the hands of Iran recently.

When the Korean press heard about the absence of Ali Daei, National Team captain, from the games due to his father passing away, they became happier and more optimistic. This is part of what was written by the newspapers in Korea, "The Koreans still respect the football of Iran and Iranian journalists. the match between Iran and Korea is expected to be a tough one."

"The Iranian National Team officials are trying to return Daei to Busan and use him in the remaining games but it seems unlikely that he will return."
